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Keberlangsungan bisnis
Konsultasi Proses


Solusindo Total Teknikatama menyediakan layanan konsultasi manajemen dan teknologi bagi klien untuk mengembangkan Proses Kontinuitas Bisnis mereka, yang terintegrasi dengan Proses Pemulihan Bencana. Ini akan menjadi pendekatan yang lebih praktis daripada proses sertifikasi. Untuk menyelesaikan BC Plan, setiap departemen perlu menyiapkan DR Plan. Dengan menggunakan IT DRP sebagai referensi, departemen bisnis akan dapat menyelesaikan rencana mereka secara efektif dan efisien.


STT dapat berbagi pengalamannya dalam menguji bisnis DRP dan BCP. Dalam situasi bencana, kreativitas staf tidak lagi diperlukan. Mereka hanya perlu mengikuti prosedur untuk memastikan titik pemulihan, waktu pemulihan, dan target konsistensi pemulihan tercapai.


STT sudah mengadopsi ISO 22301:2012 untuk Business Continuity, peraturan OJK tentang manajemen risiko – kelangsungan bisnis dan praktik terbaik lainnya





Initiating BC process could not be done without Top Management Level support. All directors own their BC Process. They are responsible to keep their business operations running even though in a disaster situation. Either natural disaster or technical catastrophic. Either market or political disaster.


STT helps their clients to initiate and maintain their BC Plans company wide. Effective plans will be tested in DRP - BCP tests. STT assists the business to have the plan works. Once effective plans are tested, the company can introduce BC policies to obtain commitment from all related parties.


STT conducts testing events together with staff. Encouragement and mobilization is essential to have a thorough test process.

STT also assists the business to be able to run their test independently in the future. Business will be to setup a management team called BC Management with appropriate authority and responsibility. By that time STT would assists the business to keep up the standards thru process assessments.


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